
This FounderChurch Teaching Blog Site contains a number of teachings of great value to Conservative Believers of all persuasions and points of view. The first and most important teaching is that as Conservative Believers we should willingly take the same "Founders Oath" word for word that all the signers of our Declaration of Independence signed.
By this act of treason to the King of England they immediately put a price on each and every one of all their heads and branded themselves as "Wanted: Dead or Alive". Here is that oath just as it appears at the very end of the Declaration of Independence:
"We hereby pledge our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor." Our Founders in doing this sentenced themselves to death to create, secure and forever protect our Republic of these United States of America. Can we today do any less?
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Men And Women Together

Men and Women Together

Equality is always a snare and a sham

The way to save the world, and the things of value in it is to first save the very few men we have left in America who can, hopefully, lead and inspire an enlarged body of the rest of the men, and more importantly, lead and inspire women to follow such good men, and to make the children we need to save the Republic. 

Most men in modern day America are hardly men by any definition of manhood imaginable. They simper, they crawl, they whine and beg, they toady to effeminate leaders who hate them, and damage and destroy the few males and females they do produce, which is fewer and fewer every year. 

Since time began on planet earth, there have been males and females among all species, including the human species. Of the two genders, the female is the most valuable for the continuation of the species, or any sub category of that species. After all, women reproduce whatever life we have or will have. 

In all of the different species, the female is at the center of the survival of that species, and by a ratio of at least 3 to 1 the females are the more important gender. 

In a pack of wolves there is only one alpha male who suffices for husband and father to the offspring of perhaps a dozen females. Thus females are always scarce, and males are always super abundant, and thus in many ways expendable. Any nation can afford to lose lots of its males in battle but recoils at losing even one female. 

This is as nature and nature's God ordained things, and we tamper with this design to our peril. As a result of this intelligent design, females already have a 3 to 1, or greater, advantage over males going out the gate. If you then pile on this advantage additional advantages you unbalance the whole, and consequently place any society in jeopardy. 

It is no accident that Lucifer focused his primary attention on the seduction of Eve. Of course, he had to go through Adam (and that is the point) to get to Eve, just as today's modern evil has to go through the male to get at the women and children of our society. Adam had first to be neutralized (neutered?) in some way before Eve and her children could be corrupted and destroyed. 

There can be little logical doubt that Adam was first effeminized by Lucifer before he allowed Eve to be seduced. No real man would allow the devil to have his way with his woman unless he himself had first been effeminized. 

When society equalizes the sexes, it does just what Lucifer did. The sexes have never been equal in any healthy society. (In fact all concepts of "equality" are a cruel hoax.) Fact is, women are born superior to men in every way, and when they are "pretend" hoisted above men, they become nothing along with their husbands, fathers and brothers who are reduced to nothingness. 

Equality of the sexes lowers both sexes, and we need to understand this. Women are lowered to the same extent their husbands, fathers, and sons are lowered. A woman today is denied the greatest power she will ever have, her children and a man who will help her raise those children. Today, thanks to the haters, she has no children, no husband, no love, no self-respect, and no future. Yes, she may have a worthless thing called a job, and a worthless thing called a college degree, and a worthless thing called equality, but everything else is taken from her in return. Women know this, but cannot do anything about it without their men leading the way. After all it was evil men who led them to destruction, and it will take good men to lead her back to life and sanity. 

Every example of good women stepping up to save society is an example of a woman who is supported by a good man that enables and strenghens her to enable her to do it. Margaret Thatcher, Sarah Palin, and all the women today that stand for Goodness, Truth and Beauty do so, with the help of a man that stands by their side. It is what we call a "power couple." 

The way to destroy a society, or any definable group, is to destroy their women, and hence their children. Women and the children are the true backbone of every society, and the hope of every nation. Destroy them and you destroy that society. The men are nothing without them. Today we are witnessing the total destruction of women in America by forces of total incarnate evil. And we all well know who these forces are, and who leads them and why. The problem now is doing something about this. 

This evil force can be, and has been in the past, destroyed time and again throughout our long history, and it can be destroyed again. So let's get at the task. 

A good way to separate the men from the boys in this task is to ask men to take the Founders Oath. It is the very oath that the Founders of our nation took. If a man will not take this oath he is not much good for anything. 

Our Founders signed their names to an oath that ends and sums up the Declaration of our Independence, as follows: 

"We hereby pledge our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor." 

Where are there any men, any Conservative men, any men of Faith, who will sign this oath? There may be some, but it will be relatively few. Every single citizen of this country should be willing to sign this oath, but until they are willing to sign this oath in their own blood, they are no citizens at all, and that includes especially all our elected, and appointed, officials. 

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