Conservative Believer Victory
We need a plan of action that strikes at the heart of Conservative Believer policy and priorities. That is, we need action on the ground to move our public policy agenda forward, not just exclusively talk, talk, talk.
We need an ongoing Conservative Believer Think-Tank and a Conservative Believer ongoing Conference that focuses on total victory, and never adjourns until the fight is won. It needs to stay in permanent session till final victory in order to inform and formulate our ongoing strategy on a daily basis.
Such a Congress of the People would produce a running series of Reports that all together would provide a Bible to guide us as we move forward. Flowing from this would grow the accelerated ground game of picketing and such, planned attendance at all conferences and Congressional hearings.
We are presently just not organized to fight this fight at all. This plan has to start with a single step and move forward from there. Funding for is paramount, so the money must be raised to do this. As to structure, a religious organization should be seen as at the head of it.
Perhaps All Faiths Church would be a good title, thereby covering all faiths in a grand Conservative Believer coalition, that would be something like FRC but different and more effective. We should work with FRC, but focus on doing what they are not doing. More details are available to all who are interested.
Founder Church
Founder Church Teaching
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