Inner and Other Directed
In attempting to understand people, (always a difficult task) dividing them into these two categories can be helpful. In general, the "inner directed" person thinks for himself, while the "other directed" person thinks the way those around him think. The result is these two types simply do not like each other very much. The reason is:
Each feels under attack from the other for simply being what they basically are, and believes the other should be more like them. While each can accomodate the other, and both often show indications of resembling each other, depending on circumstances, their fundamentally different views of the world keep them at sword points all the time.
In terms of numbers the inward looking types are a distinct minority, comprising way less than 5% of the population. The relationship between them results in the inner looking types being persecuted all their lives, and the other looking types being constantly looked down upon.
On the other hand the inners are a lot smarter, and more talented as a group, which evens the numbers playing field somewhat. Innovators, inventors, and leaders tend to belong to the in looking group, while the workers in a factory will commonly consist mostly of other directed people.
Now, all this simplifies a complex subject. The truth is that everyone has portions of both of these types, and some people do move from being mostly one type, to being mostly the other type.
And it is not true that the two types are reliably of one political view or the other. Both the Left and Right entertain both types from time to time depending on the mix of issues involved. So, it is not possible to say that Conservatives are always other directed or that Liberals are all inner directed. Such assumptions are not accurate at all.
In a practical sense, if any political party wants to be successful, it must appeal to both types, and their degree of skill at mixing and matching these two types will determine the success of the party, and its cause.
The wiser party will carefully calibrate their overall message as to appealing to both of these groups to produce the greatest effectiveness in pursuit of their cause. Doing this is more Art than science. The key is utilizing the best of both of these factions to produce a winning campaign.
A person may appear to be one of these types but really be more like the other. Getting through appearances is a real problem where people are trying to be something they are not. For example, most people will resist strongly any implication that they are largely a product of what other people think, rather than relying on a mind of their own. Yet we know that the overwhelming majority is composed of other directed folks who do very little thinking for their selves.
Founder Church
Founder Church Teaching
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