
This FounderChurch Teaching Blog Site contains a number of teachings of great value to Conservative Believers of all persuasions and points of view. The first and most important teaching is that as Conservative Believers we should willingly take the same "Founders Oath" word for word that all the signers of our Declaration of Independence signed.
By this act of treason to the King of England they immediately put a price on each and every one of all their heads and branded themselves as "Wanted: Dead or Alive". Here is that oath just as it appears at the very end of the Declaration of Independence:
"We hereby pledge our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor." Our Founders in doing this sentenced themselves to death to create, secure and forever protect our Republic of these United States of America. Can we today do any less?
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Restoring the Republic

Restoring the Republic

It will take more energy, bravery, unity, sacrifice, intelligence and talent to restore the Republic than it took to establish, and build it, to start with. It is common knowledge that it takes greater skill to restore and rebuild anything than it too to create it to start with, whether it is a painting, or a building. 

Therefore, it is tempting to think of starting over again and build anew rather than attempt to pour new wine in old wine skins, and perhaps that is what we should do, but, that too has its problems. Chief among them is there is no convenient "New World" to discover, take over and populate. Of course, the new world was populated at the time and that presented a problem that took hundreds of years to overcome. Indian wars raged for over four hundred years in both South and North America and continue to this day to some extent. So colonizing some new space is not out of the question in order to find a place to create a new America. 

First and foremost there is the need to begin the process of Restoration with the proverbial ten stout hearted men, and thereby more easily raise the ten thousand more. Those first ten have yet to appear and give themselves over to the cause of the Republic. 

Yet locating and organizing that ten has to be the first priority, antecedent to which nothing else can be considered. Picking around the edges, making this fix here and that tuck there is not going to get the job done, or any worthwhile job done. Such Band Aid attempts are fools errands created and promoted to line the pockets, and enhance the power and prestige of amoral selfish and ambitious opportunists. Which types are continually and busily engaged in exploiting the "Conservative Believer Business" for personal gain, with no concern for the state of the Republic as such. Clearly such types have their religious mirror image types who studiously peddle Jesus like a commodity. 

The "Founders Oath" is a good place to start. It appears at the very last of the Declaration of Independence just before the signatures of the signers. There is not likely a single person in any sort of leadership in this Country that today could or would take this oath. And that is our problem. Taking that oath anew is the litmus test  that any trustworthy patriot must pass. Herewith is that oath: 

And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, We mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor. 

Absent this oath, no one can be relied upon or trusted in any endeavor related to the protection of our country. 


Founder Church

Founder Church Teaching

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