Authority: It is the first responsibility of every citizen to, Question Authority. Ben Franklin
Confucius: When one begins a mission of revenge, one should dig two graves.
Douche List: Stupid Look, Fake Tan, Shirt Unbuttoned, Pimp Chain, Popped collar, Dumb-ass beard, Gel, Hand Tattoo, Huge CZ Earring, Girlie Eyebrows.
Economy: If everyone gives up their dreams to own a business just because someone in the White House is clueless about free enterprise our country is going to tank.
Evil: The way that you eliminate the bad and the ugly is through activism and policy making that never tolerates evil, as opposed to the liberal (progressive, democrat, socialist, communist, fascist, nazi) politically correct policy of accepting evil and other points of views that destroy lives. We, the thoughtful, productive people of American, have got to take our freedom back. Ted Nugent
Friends-Relatives: Where there’s a thickening there’ll soon be a thinning.
Government: “The national budget must be balanced. The public debt must be reduced; the arrogance of the authorities must be moderated and controlled. Payments to foreign governments must be reduced, if the nation doesn't want to go bankrupt. People must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance.” Marcus Tullius Cicero, 55 BC
Liberals main diet is lies and distortions. This makes them mentally puny and easy to throw. They entice with twisted logic, and should be countered with a bitch slap, (so to speak.) Hanging a picture of Ronald Reagan over your door will definitely keep them away. They are constantly inflaming the culture war, while seeming to forget who has all the guns. The greatest predator, to Liberals, is the real world. They commonly hide from it on college campuses, while waving giant puppets and shouting rhyming slogans. They congregate in groups known as “protests,” the purpose of which is unknown. Liberals are always whining about tolerance, yet when punched in the face for this, they get all moody. Hey Liberals, learn to be tolerant.
Live where reason and faith shake hands.
Perceiving & Conceiving: You don’t perceive what you can’t conceive, or conceive what you don’t perceive.
Poetry is nearer to vital truth than history. Plato
Problem: If it ain’t working, Question Your Assumptions.
Sarah Palin: “I, Sarah Louise Palin, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of the President of the United States...”
Sarah Palin’s daughter Bristol: “What do you mean, "don't do it?"
Thinking & Believing: Don’t believe everything you think.
Writing: When I am dead, may it be said, His sins were scarlet but his books were read.
Writing: First, write something great in your own eyes.
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