Business & Government
A nation is much like a business, in that it can be run well, or poorly. But, government's job is not the job of a business, but rather to be the umpire of many businesses. In that role it can be a bad and corrupt umpire, or it can be a good and honest umpire. Everyone in government is, properly speaking, an umpire of one sort or another. It is the ONLY legitimate function of government.
Understand, no government makes anything of value, never has, and never will, during the whole history of the world. Government, by its very nature, is unable to "make" anything of value. That is not what it is designed to do to start with. Its value is entirely in doing an effective and honest job of umpiring and refereeing business players and teams, composed, indeed, of many teams. Fail in that singular job, and government totally fails.
Government that aspires to get down on the playing field and play in one way or another, totally betrays its only constructive purpose for being. And when it goes beyond playing, by putting teams on the field, it is committing treason to the nation it is entrusted to protect and defend and can no longer be considered an honest broker of the "game."
There is not one function that government performs, other than its umpire function, that it performs legitimately. Government has no more business delivering mail than a hog has singing opera. Even police work and the military should be done by commercial businesses to the extent possible, but always under government umpiring to be sure everyone works in the national interest and everyone has an equal opportunity.
If there were no umpires in sports, players would carry knives and containers of acid on to the playing field to kill and blind their opponents. Only a system of unbiased umpiring prevents this. But once an umpire gets involved in trying to play some part of the game, or venturing into picking winners and losers, the umpire, and his profession lose all validity and respect, and the whole game will degenerate and become corrupt in all kinds of ways.
The question is not whether we should have government, OR its size, so much as it is WHAT kind of government we should have that the Constitution envisaged. We need MORE GOOD regulation that fertilizes the people's efforts, and LESS BAD regulation that stiffles the people's initiative, and treats some unfairly. Government can be good or evil in the effect it has, and the best way to get that GOOD is to get good people involved in civic affairs. We need to tithe time to our civic affairs just as we should tithe time to our religious affairs, for in a democracy, we ARE Caesar.
These simple truths are the first things we need to understand about the relationship of government and business. Think a moment, no one in their right mind would trust "government" to walk their dog, or cook a hot dog properly.
Therefore, ipso facto government's sole job is to referee so as to assist the players and teams to be all they can be for the benefit of all, and to see that they fairly compete to that end.
Government's job is certainly not to lay traps to ensnare our hardest working people, but rather only to oversee their efforts in order to ensure they succeed as much, and as often, as possible. Government's job is not to bring companies and entreprenuers down, but to build them up helping them to succeed. For in their success we are are all become successful, and enriched.
When we see these celebrated cases of the government taking over companies, and jailing the owners and executives, it is a showing of government failings. The government should be helping companies to suceed and stay out of jail, not plotting to make them fail and end up in jail. How does any company failing, and its executives going to jail help any American or the nation as a whole? These are our companies and our executives and they represent our nation's capital on many levels.
NOTE: In addition, government should encourage, not discourage, private regulation, oversight, and supervision as a further check on government over-reach and over-weaning government power. These alternatives to include, first and foremost families, then churches, civic organizations of all kinds, employers, friends and neighbors. Today, government has undermined the power of all these non-governmental authorities, on top of undermining the power and perrogatives of state and local government, and other institutions.
Regulation should see to it that companies compete fairly and have every chance to suceed. No way should government be so lax in supervising the activities of companies that many are induced and enticed to commit crimes not in the national interest.
The government, what time it is not interfering in business, is playing at business, and often trying to determine winners and losers in the market place. It is also going into business using its power to compete unfairly with private businesses and institutions. This is a corrupt scandal and treason.
Government is not about throwing as many yellow flags on the field as possible in every game, but in so supervising the game so that few flags have to be thrown. It is always a measure of the ineffectiveness of policing when a lot of arrests are made. The job of policing is to police so that fewer arrests are made.
Time after time hard working businesses build a great company to benefit the people and the nation, then it falters and fails, with people going to jail, and lives ruined, all because government allowed the entity to drift into unlawful practices. The consequence is that when they do that, they then drop the hammer, close down the company and put people in jail. In all of these celebrated cases, the government has been shown to have been an accessory performing entrapment before the fact of these business failures.
Government, itself is responsible for practically all of these notorious white collar criminal fraud cases. The government's proper job is the same as the referee, namely to help the players succeed, and to keep them from falling into illegalities.
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