
This FounderChurch Teaching Blog Site contains a number of teachings of great value to Conservative Believers of all persuasions and points of view. The first and most important teaching is that as Conservative Believers we should willingly take the same "Founders Oath" word for word that all the signers of our Declaration of Independence signed.
By this act of treason to the King of England they immediately put a price on each and every one of all their heads and branded themselves as "Wanted: Dead or Alive". Here is that oath just as it appears at the very end of the Declaration of Independence:
"We hereby pledge our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor." Our Founders in doing this sentenced themselves to death to create, secure and forever protect our Republic of these United States of America. Can we today do any less?
The Articles that appear on this site may be added to and edited from time to time as need arises and time permits.
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Government Is Bad

Government Is Bad 

Privatize All Of It Now! 

When are the Dummies among us going to realize that ALL government is bad, all the time, throughout human history with no exceptions ever?

Now that being said, (and memorized) we do need to know we need SOME, VERY LITTLE, government, some of the time in some situations, BUT, that government should be as small as possible and do as few things as possible for the shortest time possible in the fewest situations possible.

We need government only to umpire and referee the games we play, but to learn to permanently keep their GD hands off the ball, off the players, and to never ever get down on the field and interfere with the game, or try to play the game, or try  to pick winners and losers, and certainly never ever to field a GD government team, or start a GD league of their own.

Oppressive government is purely a Democrat idea, always has been throughout history, and always will be. But Republican RINOs and egg sucking Wieners born to kiss the butts of Democrats are plentiful, and therefore need to be stamped out totally.

Everything single thing government does needs to be privatized, including the stupid FBI, the Post Office and most of the military. There is hardly a single thing the GD government does that cannot be far better done at way less cost when done privately, and that includes all schools, the census and on, and on, and on.

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