Everywhere around us, the world is turning upside down. Housing values have plunged creating upside down mortgages, and marriage has now become a shrinking minority vocation. That statistics on social pathology are too numerous to mention or quote here. You can research them yourself if you doubt these conclusions. If we care about our world collapsing into anarchy and ruin on every level then this is the solution:
You won't like it, for few people appreciate their faults being pointed out, either individually or collectively. Poor Jesus never did a single harm to any person, yet he was put to the most cruel death by long drawn out torture, in response to the demands of the great majority of His own people, and if he returned today, good church people would get up in arms and try to do the same thing to Him all over again. This is why according to the book of Revelations in the Bible, he will return, not with the soft tongue in his mouth but rather his tongue will be replaced with a sharp sword, which he will use to slay billions and then throw them into a fiery hell.
So much for the way God has promised He will handle our abominable conduct. But what should we do today if we want to clean up our own mess?
First we need to understand that society and by extension each of us is totally corrupt, and evil. Every institution is corrupt and degenerate, including all our churches. So the clean-up must start with a realization of just how dirty we are. In short we need to get back to the simple clean life, and it starts with how each of us actually lives right now.
It helps to keep things as simple as possible, which is why there are only 10 Commandments. If there were any more it would be even harder to remember them. But the 10 Commandments are not the only Commandments in the Bible. More important are the first 2 Commandments, "Be Fruitful, and Multiply."
Fruitful simply means to "Make Money" and Multiply simply means to "Have Children." The Ten which were given thousands of years later are just a bit more detailed instruction on HOW to properly handle our money and our children. But before we can take care of our children and our money we have to create them, and right there is where humanity is drunkenly falling down the staircase.
Basically, we have no money and we have no children. That means we are killing our children by the tens of millions with birth control of every type and description, including the "Natural" type. And the best and brightest among us are way ahead of and leading the pack to the bottom, to get, not to zero population growth but, to ZERO births, period.
And basically, lets face it, we have no money either. Which means 95% of us have only hand to mouth, pay check to pay check, chump change, but no real money. 95% of the population has net worths of less than zero.
NOW NOTE THIS: Anything you save that you ever touch for any reason during your whole life, was never SAVINGS to start with. At best it was just money temporarily set aside until you can spend it, (i.e. throw it away) usually sooner than later.
Now, money should be invested, but that is light years aways from spending it.
This state of affairs is not good at all, and it is NOT the fault of the 5% who are rich. It is rather the fault of the whole society, and everyone in it, most especially our religions that do everything in their power to pauperize people. Churches regularly preach poverty as a way to both further enrich the church, and guarantee sinners get to heaven, and governments religiously teach poverty as a virtue to be cultivated and then make sure they reward it. Every public policy we formulate and install as public policy, including every word the government schools teach our children is calculated to lead the children into a life of dependent poverty living from paycheck to paycheck, up to their eyeballs in debt, AND also to make sure they have only one, or two, or preferably, none, children.
So, the first thing we need to do is to rescue our people, especially our children, from the false doctrines of poverty, and childlessness. Our birth rate is now below replacement, and our money is non existent, but what is to be done?
We need to turn to our Holy Books and follow the prescriptions for curing such as this. Fundamentally, it is loving our Holy-Good-Wise-God, and loving our Saved-Worthy-Deserving Brother. No more phony charity to the heathen unbelievers. In short we need to reproduce our Money and reproduce ourselves.
This comes down to a test of each persons life called the CHEM test. CHEM stands, of course, for Chemistry, but the good Chemistry of life is CHEM, Children, Health, Education and Money. Without these four building blocks in place, we can be of little service or value to either God or Country, or our selves, or our loved ones.
We need healthy families with as many children as possible, and we need our best Health possible which means eating, drinking and exercising right, and we need to pursue our educational knowledge all our lives, and we need to take care of our money and realize it it not ours to start with, but belongs to God. We only get to borrow it from God and are totally responsible for how we handle it.
To do this ambitious fix, we need to organize ourselves as strongly as possible into strong churches and into strong political action groups, and among other things we need to completely organize our Precincts to fight for a change in government that will make all this possible.
Founder Church
Founder Church Teaching
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