Contraceptive Mentality and "Natural" Family Planing
The Bible teaches a useful reality, which each Conservative Believer is obligated to live out in his own life, and in the life of his family. And he must do this as a positive blessing from God, a joy forever, and an example for others. This each of us must do to the best of our ability, and then repent in areas where we fall short. The sins of others is no excuse for our own transgressions. As always, God's Grace is given generously, but only in return for complete and sincere repentance, and our lives must reflect this. Repentance changes both our witness and conduct over time, and is the only price we have to pay for God's unlimited grace and forgiveness.
The "Natural Family Planning" question, not to speak of "Artificial Family Planning," is of course, a major perplexion. If we who are called by His name are, in effect, killing our own children, what hope is there for anyone else? Our pretense of witnessing for Christ, and serving His purpose is null and void, if our lives consist of practicing of such sinful murders, the most heinous of all murdering, which is to say, the murdering of our own children.
If those who participate in the extension of Christ and the Church, through the sacrament of matrimony, are taking the very lives they are entrusted to perpetuate and protect, our future is indeed bleak, both here on earth, and in the hereafter. The reality of the present Church world is that it is sinking daily into a greater state of desolation, apostasy, and murder, in a burgeoning "culture of death." The Church, having once been the source and home of martyrs, has now become the source and home of murder, enabled and compounded by every other abomination.
Why is it supposed, that married Christian Conservatives think they can get away with this rape of nature, and nature's God by the way they treat their own body, and the bodies of their family members? Especially, when we are clearly witnessing before our very eyes, the veritable extinction of any meaningful Conservative Christianity by the work of our own hands and bodies.
Any sort of "Family Planning" whether it is "Natural" (NFP) or "UnNatural," or "Artificial," is a manifestation of a complete misjudgment of values. What is necessary for a family to exist? New cars, and pools? Vacations? God doesn't think so, why should we? God by contrast says "Children are God's reward." He doesn't say, the material things of this world are God's reward.
Discipline is absolutely essential for us to live our lives as God intends. And the required discipline starts in the family, with Fathers who live lives of accountability to God. God's Word the Bible, and accountability to our brothers and sisters in the Church, and our accountability to the members of our own families, including our children, born and unborn, and our children conceived and unconceived are what our Faith should be all about. To think otherwise is to prepare oneself for disappointment, discouragement, frustration, and, in the end, all sorts of sin and infidelity. This truth must be taught to our young people, by our example. We are preparing for the disaster overcoming us, by our reluctance to speak the truth boldly.
On the other hand, if those who are married Conservative Believers are faithful to that duty and obligation, then the future is assured, because it is in the home that our future generation is rightly formed and helped to grow through all the stages of life, conception, birth, nurture and guidance. While guidance by church and school are important they can only act as auxiliaries to the parents. Bad parents, and parenting, condemn all of us to apostasy and ruin on every level.
Thus, when Contraceptive Mentality takes over, children, the family, society, and God all lose. When all kinds of "Family Planning," including so-called "Natural Family Planning, (NFP) become a way of life for Christian parents it is equivalent to the Church refusing to baptize or to evangelize. Selfishness is thereby exalted and taught, and the children of such families will be the first to rise up against their parents. And that punishment will be well deserved. God save us from the world we are creating.
The lame excuses for NFP, and other forms of child murder, are just that, excuses. The reasoning of such is far too sensual, and in it the lusts of the flesh are palpable. NFP degrades the very people it seeks "to assist" by pandering to them as if they were only capable of the lowest and most mediocre standards of morality. Christians should be capable of greater nobility than animals, instead they give animals a bad name by allegedly acting like animals in the barnyard. No animal will kill its young in any way shape or form. That worst of all crimes, is the valued property of so-called Christian Conservatives.
NFP reasoning is in fact identical to those who wish to distribute condoms to everyone, man, woman, child, and dog. We Christians claim we oppose Abortion and "Artificial" Birth Control, yet our reasoning regarding NFP is the same in principle. Dead babies are the physical result whether they die from "Natural" birth control, or "Artificial" birth control, abortion, or just plain murder by a stranger. Some of us draw the line at artificial contraception, but think that Contraceptive Mentality is OK as long as it is obscured by the magic words NFP.
For married Christian Conservative couples to avoid pregnancy, by any means, whether by condoms or manipulation of menstrual charts, is contraceptive in motivation and intention. This fact underlines the seriousness of this issue. The only reason NFP is tolerated is because it is alleged to be NOT unnatural. This reasoning is, to say the least, ridiculous. Many in the Church today blindly present NFP as a form of "asceticism" for married couples. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Such thinking seems to imply that NFP is acceptable for convenience, in the same way condom wearers, pill poppers, aborters, and other assorted baby killing methods are for our "convenience." In truth, face facts, where is our treasure? Is it in our children, or is it in "things" and "convenience?"
In the end, decent godly men have always had to learn to "control themselves," both during their wives' pregnancies, and during her time of menstruation. This is part of grace and it is founded on Biblical law and teachings. Honor and nobility have always been properly masculine characteristics, and men are certainly capable of virtue, even today. The unfortunate thing is that most modern men are little better than whiny babies. Obviously, the sacrifice necessary for honor and noblesse is impossible to the immature babies our men have become. This is our quandary. Do we work to ennoble men, or simply capitulate to modern immaturity, which works night and day to turn men into boys?
This acceptance of modern immaturity as normal, and thus a norm, is the source of our whininess when it comes to the practice of religion. Our Christian "men" content themselves with "manifestations" because these are relatively rare occurrences, and pride themselves in "being faithful" because they go to a rare conference on the subject, and pray a lot in public. But to persevere week in and week out teaching and witnessing strong doctrine, with dad leading the daily family prayer, all this is considered "too extreme." Now, there are certainly families in which this is a reality, but these are too rare and scattered to build a church, or a nation, upon. Meanwhile, we have lost a whole generation, or several generations, and the nation is in dire peril because of OUR low birth rate.
NFP, has become a new "lifestyle" among those who claim to be faithful Christians. This mentality is the most lethal of sins, as it mocks and ridicules as extremist those who wish to practice a greater love of God and Country. Christians call one another Pharisees, but the Pharisees were those who lived "by the law," not by a desire for perfection. The true Pharisees are those Chrisitians who think that living a state of "Contraceptive Mentality is OK with God. It is not.
Such thinking is not just "a venial sin" it is the premeditated, intentional murder of God's innocent babes. These murderers, in desperation over their state of sin, accuse those who desire to strive after perfection of being Pharisees. Such false accusations shows the Contraceptive Mentality to be true Pharisaical legalism. Mediocrity suffocates, and mediocre thinking is what the Contraceptive Mentality is all about.
Thinking this way, what makes us different from the enemies of God and the Church?
Founder Church
Founder Church Teaching
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