You have heard it said, "The Church is NOT the Building, the Church is the People." I have news for you, the Church is the Building, NOT the People. The People in the building may all be devil worshipers, and often are, but the building will still be Church no matter who is in it. And that church building is designed to provide shelter and keep the rain out, whereas the "People" may do nothing for God's people whatsoever. The Church Building is always reliable, the "People" are not always reliable, or trustworthy.
That is why Jesus and Paul contended for the Church Buildings, at least as much, if not more, than they contended for the People in those buildings. Jesus preached in every Synagogue because Synagogues were Church Buildings, and the same applied to the Temple, which was a building, where He contended for the Faith. We need to be careful how we sling language around, and remember, the devil is an expert in language, and the perversion of it.
There are a number of evil reasons a lot of "preachers" and so-called "church leaders," throw these words around about, "The Church not being the Building." They have a number of ulterior motives in verbalizing that way.
For one thing, they are so personally greedy that they don't want to do anything for the people in terms of using these Church buildings for the benefit of the people. What they really want is for the Sheep to come to church once a week, give all their money, and not come back for another week or so, when they are expected to bring more money, and most importantly, ask no questions, and demand no services of any type.
Therefore, it suits these false shepherd's purposes to demean and depreciate the value of The Church Building, holding it, to be of little, or no, worth, with the implication that the Sheep should expect nothing from it either.
The Church, (meaning the church building) is the equivalent of the Sheep Cote spoken of often in the Bible. The Sheep's Cote was the equivalent of the Synagogue for Believers. Both of them were intended to provide shelter and any, and all, the other needs the Sheep might have. It was, (as it were,) to answer to all things.
If the Sheep needed security from roaming "wolves" the Cote was constructed by the Shepherd to provide that. Out in the grazing lands on hillsides it could often be a rough gathering together of sticks, brambles, or stones, created and improved, sometimes over time, by their Shepherd. It was designed to provide a secure place for his Sheep to sleep, and otherwise provide some protection from wolves , and prevent theft of Sheep, and straying.
The physical Synagogue, (an updated Sheep Cote for human Sheep,) provided the equivalent protection, plus round the clock services. The modern Church Building should function the same way, but does not.
So never let it be said in your hearing that "The Church is not the, (or any) Building." The Church is a Building, or it is nothing. Even early Christians who turned their homes into Churches were using their homes as Church "Buildings." Nowhere in the Bible does it speak of any congregation congregating in some open space with no protection whatsoever. Anyone who would even suggest such a thing would be insane or demonic. At minimum, protection from the elements requires The Church to utilize a building of some sort as The Church. Hence, the Church IS the Building.
Now, you may say, the presumption is that the people in a Church are going to be godly, but I say, "I know the building is godly and without sin, I'm not so sure about the people in it.
Of course, we would all prefer that the church building be inhabited by good people, and that is what our goal should always be, but I just don't like the disparagement of the building as though it were something capable of sin or ill will. In many churches the building is the only godly thing in a church that has no holiness in it at all, and we need to understand that.
If the building is not the church why are there these horrendous battles over who controls it?
Founder Church
Founder Church Teaching
this is so true....i watch the churches sell off their places of worship for apartments and other uses.....on the basis that it is only a building....they don't understand that they are selling the institution....the rock on which we pray
ReplyDeleteThanks rb. Your comment is very knowledgeable. FounderChurch@Gmail.Com