Authority of Women
Authority of women over men is forbidden in the Bible, and as always, for good cause. For one, it upsets the entire balance of nature, where the original division of sexes, both scientifically and religiously establishes the clear ground rules between them. This rule is science, not not religion, but as always, when we hear from the best of both of them, they always agree with each others findings.
Like so many other things that sinful humans do, the confusion and reversal of the rules is vividly apparent in the distorted relationships between men and women. If God, or Truth, or Goodness, or Beauty, or even Science says for humans to do X, they will invariably try to do Y instead.
This reversal of roles between the human sexes is nowhere more apparent than in the raising of their children. The Bible clearly lays out the roles for each gender. For example, it says the woman should handle the families finances because, "The woman knows the value of all things as she is in the market place every day."
On the other hand the man is to teach his children, "When he rises up in the morning and when he goes to bed every night and all the time in between. Therefore men should be the teachers in the home and in the schools.
It is not that women do not have a full and important role in the family, for they do, but that there must be as both God and Nature intended a division in roles that is suitable.
The extreme crunch comes when there is divorce, (another thing both God and nature and science abhor. Typically, the children including the boys are given to the mother to raise. This sets off a spiral of dysfunction that finally results in the children coming to hate both parents. They hate the father because he is not there to protect them from the mother, and they hate the mother because she took their father away, and then tried to be their father.
This role confusion destabilizes the child for the rest of its life, the boy especially. Because the mother ends up BEING the father, she loses the ability and the right to be the mother also. The sons hate her for not being their mother, and for trying to be their father. The result of this gender confusion and abuse leads these boys to become in one way or another homosexual, or so inclined, or criminal or both.
The worst sort of authority is illegitimate, or usurped, authority.
Like so many other things that sinful humans do, the confusion and reversal of the rules is vividly apparent in the distorted relationships between men and women. If God, or Truth, or Goodness, or Beauty, or even Science says for humans to do X, they will invariably try to do Y instead.
This reversal of roles between the human sexes is nowhere more apparent than in the raising of their children. The Bible clearly lays out the roles for each gender. For example, it says the woman should handle the families finances because, "The woman knows the value of all things as she is in the market place every day."
On the other hand the man is to teach his children, "When he rises up in the morning and when he goes to bed every night and all the time in between. Therefore men should be the teachers in the home and in the schools.
It is not that women do not have a full and important role in the family, for they do, but that there must be as both God and Nature intended a division in roles that is suitable.
The extreme crunch comes when there is divorce, (another thing both God and nature and science abhor. Typically, the children including the boys are given to the mother to raise. This sets off a spiral of dysfunction that finally results in the children coming to hate both parents. They hate the father because he is not there to protect them from the mother, and they hate the mother because she took their father away, and then tried to be their father.
This role confusion destabilizes the child for the rest of its life, the boy especially. Because the mother ends up BEING the father, she loses the ability and the right to be the mother also. The sons hate her for not being their mother, and for trying to be their father. The result of this gender confusion and abuse leads these boys to become in one way or another homosexual, or so inclined, or criminal or both.
The worst sort of authority is illegitimate, or usurped, authority.
Founder Church
Founder Church Teaching
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