
This FounderChurch Teaching Blog Site contains a number of teachings of great value to Conservative Believers of all persuasions and points of view. The first and most important teaching is that as Conservative Believers we should willingly take the same "Founders Oath" word for word that all the signers of our Declaration of Independence signed.
By this act of treason to the King of England they immediately put a price on each and every one of all their heads and branded themselves as "Wanted: Dead or Alive". Here is that oath just as it appears at the very end of the Declaration of Independence:
"We hereby pledge our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor." Our Founders in doing this sentenced themselves to death to create, secure and forever protect our Republic of these United States of America. Can we today do any less?
The Articles that appear on this site may be added to and edited from time to time as need arises and time permits.
Founder Church is a non-profit civic, charitable and religious organization. All donations, tithes, bequests or gifts to advance this work are appreciated. There are many and varied Ministries to get involved in.
For more information Contact: FounderChurch@Gmail.Com



Telemarketing Call Zapper

Give out emails only, such as Yahoo or Gmail, to those asking for your phone number. Tell them you don't have a phone or you use your phone only for personal calls, or it costs you minutes when you get a call on your cell phone and you have no "home" phone.

Use a "dead phone number" as much as possible (one that no-one answers, or that only takes voice mails.) This drives them crazy. 

Get off as many "lists" as possible by  asking to be removed in any way you can, but most important is to use the Federal FCC list where you list your phone as NOT wanting any sales contacts. This legally prevents all commercial ventures from contacting you for telemarketing schemes. 

Sadly, "non-profits" were excluded from being bound by this law. Something Congress should now do. The non-profits, led by "churches" wanted to be able to annoy you as much as they wished on the grounds they are doing the "lords" work and serving good causes. Since when are non-profits doing more for society than businesses that hire people and pay taxes? Figure that one out. 

ALL non-profits parasite off of society no matter how you cook the books, and essentially all businesses benefit society. That is just the simply truth.  If people "believe" in these "non-profits" including "churches" they can, should, and will give to them WITHOUT getting a free ride from the rest of the taxpayers that may not agree with these "causes" but have their own "causes" they want to contribute to. Why should anyone be forced to subsidize "causes" they do not believe in? 

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